A lot is going on in SMART ŻYWIEC  


We invite you to read an article about activities within the SMART ŻYWIEC - (r)evolution project, which was published today in the Beskidzka Chronicle. 
We have unquestionable pleasure to share with You,  what has already been implemented in terms of improving the aesthetics of our City by creating beautiful murals and green corners.
 As you all probably know, four of the five murals planned for completion have been created so far.  Żywiec residents and tourists are very pleased with Murals which decorate our City. 
Thanks to creating of green corners and enclaves,  new plantings of trees, shrubs and flower meadows relaxation in the city center now will be possible. 
Read the article for  all details. You are most welcome!

Source URL: https://smart.zywiec.pl/aktualnosc/aktualnosci/873-lot-going-smart-zywiec